5/2/2020 11:18 am
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美国Fortune 500强企业诚聘全职或兼职(美国日本加拿大三国均可)工作内容:帮助客户申请电力和煤气批发价,免费太阳能,大量节省电费煤气费。要求:18岁以上,有SSN或者税号 可远程操作,提供免费培训,简单易上手! 适合兼职/全职/对现状不满/因为疫情在家想工作人士。 详情请联系微信t Energy is now part of Vistra, rank number 376 of the Fortune 500 company. During this CoronaVirus outbreak, I am looking for people who are interested in saving some money on their electricity bills and those who can help spread the low-cost electricity/ gas service. This job is your entry-level ticket to the energy business. You can even earn passive income from this. If interested, send me a text that says job. My phone number is 9172083459